Proper care and maintenance are essential to ensure the longevity and performance of your leather shoes, waterproofed hiking/trekking shoes, and safety shoes. Here are specific shoe care instructions for each



1.1 Remove any loose dirt or debris from your leather shoes by gently brushing them with a soft-bristled brush or wiping them with a clean,
dry cloth.


1.2 Dampen a clean cloth or sponge with lukewarm water and a mild soap specifically formulated for leather. Gently wipe the shoes to remove stains or dirt, taking care not to saturate the leather. 

1.3 For stubborn stains, use a leather cleaner recommended by the manufacturer. Follow the instructions provided and test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire shoe. 

1.4 After cleaning, wipe off any excess moisture with a dry cloth and allow the shoes to air dry naturally. Avoid using heat sources to speed up the drying process, as this can cause the leather to become brittle and crack. 


2.1 Apply a high-quality leather conditioner or cream to moisturize and protect the leather. Choose a conditioner specifically designed for the type of leather used in your shoes.

2.2 Use a clean, soft cloth or applicator brush to apply the conditioner in small, circular motions, ensuring full coverage. Pay extra attention to areas prone to dryness, such as the toe cap and heel. 

2.3 Allow the conditioner to penetrate the leather for the
recommended time specified by the product instructions. Then, gently buff the shoes with a soft cloth to remove any excess conditioner. 


3.1 To enhance the shine and protect the leather, use a
leather polish or wax in a color that matches your shoes. Apply a small amount of polish to a soft cloth and work it into the leather in circular motions.


3.2 Allow the polish to dry for a few minutes, and then buff the shoes with a clean cloth or horsehair brush to achieve a polished finish.



4.1 When not in use, store your leather shoes in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid storing them in plastic bags or airtight containers, as this can lead to trapped moisture and mold growth.


4.2 Use shoe trees to help maintain the shape of the shoes and absorb excess moisture. If shoe trees are unavailable, stuff the shoes with
tissue paper or a clean cloth.



Before embarking on a long hike, it's crucial to ensure your boots or shoes are comfortable.

The time required to break them in can vary based on several factors, including the material and your walking style.

In order to break in, we recommend to wear your new boots and shoes over a thick sock for an hour within the house on alternate days
until comfortable.



Cleaning and maintaining your boots or shoes can help extend their life and keep them looking good. Here are some steps to follow:

Brush: Start by brushing off dirt and debris from the surface of your boots or shoes using a soft, dry brush. This helps prevent dirt from getting ground into the material.


Dry: If your boots or shoes have become wet, stuff them with a towel to absorb moisture. This will help prevent odours and mold growth.


Wash: Use a lightly damp cloth to gently wipe the outside of your boots or shoes. Avoid using harsh chemicals or soaking them in water, as this can damage the material.


Dry: After cleaning, stuff your boots or shoes with tissue paper or newspaper. This will help them maintain their shape and absorb any remaining moisture. Be sure to replace the paper when it becomes damp to promote the drying process.



Caring for leather boots or shoes is essential to maintain
their appearance and durability. One important step in leather care is to regularly apply a conditioner to the leather uppers. Here's how to do it:

Clean First: Before applying conditioner, make sure your
boots or shoes are clean. Remove any dirt or dust from the surface using a soft brush or a damp cloth. Allow them to dry completely.

Choose the Right Conditioner: Select a high-quality leather conditioner or cream. The conditioner should be appropriate for the type of leather your boots or shoes are made from. Different leathers, such as full-grain, suede, or nubuck, may require specific types of conditioners. 

Test in an Inconspicuous Area: Before applying the conditioner to the entire surface, it's a good practice to test it in a small, inconspicuous area of the boots or shoes. This helps ensure that the conditioner won't cause any discoloration or damage.

Apply Conditioner: Using a clean, soft cloth or a dedicated applicator, apply a small amount of conditioner to the leather. Work it into the leather in a circular motion, covering the entire surface. Pay extra attention to areas that tend to dry out or crack, like the toe cap and heel. 

Allow to Absorb: Let the conditioner sit n the leather for
a few minutes. This allows it to be absorbed and nourish the leather.

Buff and Polish: After the conditioner has been absorbed, use a clean, dry cloth to buff the leather. This will remove any excess conditioner and give the leather a polished appearance.

Repeat as Needed: Depending on how often you wear your boots or shoes and the environmental conditions, you may need to repeat this conditioning process every few months or as recommended by the conditioner's instructions.  

Regularly applying conditioner to your leather boots or
shoes helps keep the leather soft, supple, and moisturized. It can also prevent cracking, drying, and extend the life of your footwear. 



All Northwest Territory boots are already waterproof,
providing you with worry-free use for many years.

However, to maintain the waterproofing and ensure the
longevity of your boots, it's a good practice to apply waterproofing cream or wax to the leather upper. Make sure to cover the entire surface, including the seams, for the best protection against moisture. This extra care will help preserve your boots and keep your feet dry during your outdoor adventures.



After cleaning your Northwest Territory hiking boots and
shoes, it's advisable to store them on a shoe tree. This practice helps maintain their shape and extends their lifespan. By using shoe trees, you can prevent the footwear from developing creases and wrinkles, ensuring they remain comfortable and stylish for many outdoor excursions to come. Proper storage is a simple yet effective way to care for your hiking boots and shoes.

follow manufacture guidelines

  1.  Always refer to the manufacturer's care instructions and guidelines for your specific leather shoes, waterproofed hiking/trekking shoes, and safety shoes.

  2.  Different materials and brands may have specific care requirements, so it's essential to follow the recommended practices to maintain the shoes' quality and performance.

Remember, proper care and maintenance will help ensure the longevity, appearance, and performance of your shoes. Always consult the manufacturer's instructions or seek professional advice for any specific concerns or questions about caring for your footwear.